Free Craft Activities For Kids
Fun Animal Masks

Our free craft activities for kids will help you turn a paper plate into fantastic animal masks

Homeschool animal crafts are a sure fire winner - just have a look at my daughter Catherine hiding behind her bird animal mask.

All you need is a paper plate and you've got the start of a great homeschool free kids crafts activity.

It's amazing how an animal mask can be so easy to make yet look so good.

The things you need to have to hand are:

  • A Paper Plate
  • String or elastic
  • Tissue paper and Card Stock

Free Crafts For Kids

bird mask

You attach the plate to your child's head by making a small hole at either side of the plate and tying on thin elastic.

The elastic holds the animal mask firmly in place, but a couple of pieces of string tied together behind your child's head works too.

Cut eye holes in the plate lined up with your child's head.

This is a fun kids crafts activity that relies on being able to see - so check your child can look out properly!

Now you have your homeschool mask, you can start on the fun part - decorating it.

Luckily this is a free crafts for kids activity which you can adapt whatever the age of your child.

Fun Crafts For Kids

A toddler could just scribble a few pretty marks on the plate for feathers and a beak.

They could use paint.

Or maybe your bird comes from Paradise and a sprinkle of glitter might add some gloss to the feathers?

Catherine drawing

You'll see lots more ideas for homeschooling kids art projects.

And of course using your hands to make art is another fun and simple way to get a bird shape.

hand art

Make A Bird Mask



To make the bird mask Catherine is modeling, you need red and blue tissue paper.

Make a feather template and then cut out lots of them.

A bit of help from a parent often comes in with homeschool craft activities for kids, so you could help with the boring bits like cutting out the feathers and let your kids get on with sticking them down!



The beak is made from a triangle of yellow card folded in half.

We've used another yellow triangle of card above - I don't know why, but it looks fun and card is almost free - so why not?

Our homeschool bird animal mask eyes are also yellow circles of card.

bird craft

You could also try making this fun and easy collage in our homeschool bird crafts collage.

Animal Crafts for Kids

Here are more ideas for how to make a homeschooling animal mask:

  • Homeschooling craft activities for kids are best if you can base them on your child's favorite animal. Does your child love lions? How about white paper whiskers and brown tissue for a mane?
  • How about a homeschool frog? A paper cup cut down would make good stand-out eyes, and the nostrils could be the eye holes.
  • My son William loves sharks. How about painting the teeth on or making them out of triangles of white craft card?
Catherine and William doing paper mache
  • Homeschooling fun crafts for kids wouldn't be the same without rats. Pipe cleaners make good whiskers and pink card ears look good.
  • You could try making paper mache with our simple homeschool paper mache recipe and create different kinds of animal masks to have all sorts of fun with free crafts for kids. Go and see Catherine peeking out from beneath Mustafa lion mask!
William wearing a bird mask

Homeschooling craft activities for kids certainly turned my son William into a fantastic bird!

My homeschool crafts often use paper and card as their basic ingredients; it's amazing what you can achieve with such simple materials.

Free craft activities for kids are a great way to have fun together.

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