Top 10 Learning Activities

William and Catherine

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Help For The New Homeschool Year

Courageous Homeschooling Handbook

The highly recommended Courageous Homeschooling Handbook will reassure, support and encourage.

Part 1


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Part 1


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"This book is filled to the brim with inspirational realistic ideas and information. I can honestly say that if I hadn't read this book, I may not have been brave enough to take the leap, and I'm so glad for this journey, I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

~ Amazon 5 star review

Amazon 5 star review

Buy With The Second Handbook In This Series:

The success of the first Handbook led to a demand for a practical guide that would show you exactly what works in other families because the responsibility of trying to work out how to homeschool can feel very daunting, especially when your child’s future is at stake.

The second Handbook covers the nitty gritty of how to homeschool like:

  • What method will you use?
  • How much structure do you need?
  • What about a timetable?
  • Which curriculum is best? (and do you need one?)

Part 2


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Part 2


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5 star review for the second Courageous Homeschooling Handbook

Top Ten Learning Activities For Kids

top ten homeschool learning activities newsletter

With the help of the 6,000 members of my Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group, I've picked out the top 10 fun kids activities which make learning fun.

I had so many ideas to include that I have to admit you'll actually find the TOP THIRTEEN best ideas!

Let's start with everyone's favorite:


Free lego printables

Lego is a one of those star activities which is both endlessly fun and vastly educational.

You will find links on this page to 70+ ideas for:

  • Lego math learning activities
  • Lego water color sorting
  • Lego printables

and loads more!


Dinosaurs have to be top of our list!  We have so many activities to share.  You could:

Kids Dinosaurs website


"I love reading with my boys! 

  • Make a den and then read good books...
  • Pick a nice location and go for a picnic and read good books...
  • Go book shopping then hit up a cafe and read said books...
  • Write and illustrate books and read them to each other!"

~ Ange, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group

I think Ange has said it all!  You can't beat a good book.

There is a fabulous list here of the best books for kindergarten with advice from fellow homeschoolers about what methods help their children learn.

If you are struggling teaching reading you'll know the question: "Can she read yet?" can be a tool others judge the 'success' of your homeschool by. So I asked the largest group of homeschool families ever brought together in one book to help out with ideas and suggestions, along with the reassurance that your child will get there in the end.

The great advantage of homeschooling is that you can go at the pace of your child and foster a love of reading that lasts a lifetime.

Courageous Handbook 3 640px 50kb

Part 3


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Part 3


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Part 3


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Review for the Courageous Homeschooling Handbook: "Brilliant."

Science Experiments

kids science experiments

The best way to enjoy science is lots of fun kids science experiments.

You can get our free e-book with our top ten experiments.  Why not:

Dissect and owl pellet activity with free bone chart

You might also enjoy this site which has science activities where you can:

  • Make your own thermometer
  • Make your own butter
  • Try out invisible ink


Could be that you struggle with the amount of time your child spends playing Minecraft!

But one way to relieve the parental anxt. is to see there are loads of learning opportunities.

I asked members of my Courageous Homeschooling support group to help out with suggestions.

The Great Fire of London

Great Fire of London Minecraft

The Museum of London has created a free Minecraft Great Fire  of London, where you can build a detailed virtual model of 17th century London – and then burn it down.

Three maps cover London before the fire, the four days of the Great Fire itself and after the fire.

Minecraft is great for research skills.  You can use online resources and books to find out the dimensions and building materials for all sorts of historical landmarks like the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Washington Monument.

Game Ed academy (Minecraft)

"GamEd Academy used to be called Minecraft homeschool. We used it for 3 years and it is AWESOME.

It's a class for 6 weeks and it's well worth it. It's in servers that are monitored by adults/teachers and the classwork is great. Looks like you can do it cheaper too if you do a subscription based - but anyway - when we used it we loved it." ~ Allie

You can sign up to this site here (not an affiliate link).  N.B. You need a Minecraft account to use it.

Preschool Activities

make a feather headdress

From toddler cooks to playing make-believe, your child will love learning with you.

Here's 2 year old Catherine showing off our easy to make homeschooling Plains Indian feather headdress.

Which is where the toddler fun and games begin!

You'll find lots of simple ideas guaranteed to bring fun.


How to make dinosaur robots from trash

Making junk robots is one of those fabulous activities which gets you hunting round the trash can for bits you can turn into wheels, bodies and heads!

Making something move is a delight and the techniques are basically very simple.

Once you've learned a the basics you can go on to make all sorts of amazing creations of your own.

Instructables is another fun site if you're into DIY projects. Two of the projects that caught my eye were:

  • Harry Potter wands
  • Homemade space planetarium

Step-by-step how-tos with photos, on how to make all sorts of things. Brilliant for electronics projects, and for huge amounts of fun. 



Really impressed with Google Arts and Culture where you can explore art collections and stories from around the world.

Go for a virtual tour of:

  • Prambanan Temple (see photo)
  • Sydney Opera House
  • The Museum of Modern Art

Zoom in on particular pictures or the work of an artist you love. You'll find all the famous artists including Monet, Reubens, Vermeer....

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Fantastic free resources at the Khan Academy.

Make your own Board Game

make your own board game

The great advantage of being older is that you can be more adventurous!

Making games is a fabulous activity.

You'll see my children William and Catherine have both had great fun making their own Star Trek and Warriors Monopoly.

If you want a head start you'll see you can even start with a ready-made blank board game kit.

Need Support And Encouragement?

Homeschool Secrets of Success

Are you are a new homeschooler or an old hand like me?

My highly recommended book Homeschool Secrets of Success with over 500 copies sold shows you the key to teaching your children at home: how to motivate your kids.

This guide shows you exactly what things you can do in your homeschool to get your kids happy and enthusiastic - and what not to do.

More info here....


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If you're new to homeschooling or about to start again for another year would you like somewhere safe to ask questions and get help and encouragement?

The Courageous Homeschooling Facebook Group is a support group where we share the ups and downs of our homeschooling days and give each other encouragement and help.

There's an E-Pal exchange so your child can make E-Friends, we share the best resources and you can come along to our monthly Courageous Coffee Club where we chat together live.

"I haven't found another homeschooling group as supportive and with the same loving feeling of really being among friends who are all in this journey together." ~ Ange

"Sonya, I couldn't have gotten very far without you and this group. This is the most encouraging group I've found and so thankful I did." ~ Stacey

The Best Ideas For The New Homeschool Year

Now is the time to plan what you'll be doing for the new homeschool year.

Packed full of inexpensive and unusual homeschooling ideas, this book covers every subject from Math to Science with learning activities which have taken my homeschool son all the way to Oxford University.

Homeschooling ideas and activities book

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William and Catherine
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Come and join me on Pinterest.  I've got lots of boards to share where I've tried to pick out some of the best craft, art and science ideas for kids as well as homeschooling for free.

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September Newsletter

Homeschool Math

Out 2nd Sunday in September

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"Just had a look through your monthly newsletter focusing on math. Thanks so much for all the links and ideas. It's brilliant!" ~ Diana      

"Hi....I totally love all your posts and enjoy reading them....the kids love the activities and enjoy them through and through." ~ Bianka

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