Dinosaur Crafts For Kids:
Fun Activities

Unusual dinosaur crafts for kids with fun activities for all ages.

Try these activities:

  • marble your own dino egg
  • make dinosaur footprints
  • watch a pterosaur fly
  • write a story
  • an origami dinosaur
  • create a prehistoric lapbook
  • build a dinosaur robot from trash

Dinosaur activities and crafts aren't just for little children - you'll find lots to absorb anyone fascinated by the age of the dinosaurs.

Make your own dinosaur footprints

"We used to do these prints with a paint:) You can get different animals, some paint and make foot prints:)"

~ Monica

Crafts For Teenagers

 You need:

  • transparent acetate
  • gold and black gel pens
  • black and blue card stock
  • holographic paper for the eyes and body stripes

Dragonfly wing patterns aren't that hard to draw.  If you make some black marks with your gel pen that look a bit like wobbly ladders you'll do fine!

Alternatively, you can lie your transparent acetate on top of the illustration of Meganeura on pages 34-35 of this book and copy the wing patterns with gel pens.

The body is from blue card stock with holographic bands and the eyes look fantastic in holographic paper.

dinosaurs for kids activities

Free Writing Worksheets

Catherine writing about dinosaurs

Writing is one of our favorite homeschool dinosaur crafts!

You can have a go too with our free writing worksheets. You'll find one on how to bring up a baby dino as well as this one for older kids where you can write your own guide to dinosaurs:

help dinosaurs! writing worksheet
how to keep dinosaurs writing worksheet

Baby Dinosaurs

marbled egg

A great way to start your dinosaur activities is to bring them to life with our page on dinosaur  babies kids crafts and activities. You can make your own dinosaur egg, get a free coloring page, watch dinosaurs hatching and even keep a virtual pet!

There are lots more ideas for kids activities on Pinterest:

Make Your Own Dinosaur Fossil

ammonite fossil

Dinosaur crafts have to include how to make a fossil! It's easy to make fossil prints and you can paint them as well.

how to make a fossil

Paper Crafts


You can make your dinosaur drawings more fun by adding things to them! We used lots of simple techniques to add to our homeschool display and make it more interesting:

  • Paper fold-outs are a great way to show how a specific aspect of anatomy evolved over time (e.g. wings).
  • Tabs. Catherine had great fun with the fish-type animal pictured below which you could pull out from the open jaws of an approaching large predator. My two certainly liked the homeschool danger aspect!
  • Pipe cleaners. Sticking a bent-over pipe-cleaner on the back of card is an easy way to make a predator jump out of your Dinosaurs for Kids activities.
  • If you look at our page on homeschool Paper Craft For Kids you'll see our flying pterosaur and leaping ichthyosaur actually makes dinosaurs for kids come alive!

Origami Dinosaur

There are all sorts of fun activities to add in to your dinosaurs for kids project, and one is making an origami dinosaur.

Make A Dinosaur Robot

Find out how to make this fantastic homeschool dinosaur robot using trash from your trash can! T-Wrecks comes with plastic fork teeth, a spray can body and a coat hanger tail.

You'll see a pterosaur with a clothes pin head and CD wheels.

dinosaurs for kids

You'll find lots more fun ideas and activities to do with dinosaurs here.

"Just had a look through your monthly newsletter focusing on math. Thanks so much for all the links and ideas. It's brilliant!" ~ Diana      

"Hi....I totally love all your posts and enjoy reading them....the kids love the activities and enjoy them through and through." ~ Bianka

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