Do you ever ask yourself, "Why Homeschooling is Better?" or "Is Homeschooling a Good Idea?" If so, you're not alone. Many moms are in the same boat, considering homeschooling but often feeling overwhelmed and unsure. But don't worry, it's not as scary as it seems. In fact, it can be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll ever make for your child.
Let's start with the first reason why
homeschooling is better: freedom. With homeschooling, there's
no alarm clock demanding your child to wake up even when they haven't had
enough sleep. They can learn at their own pace, respecting their natural
Furthermore, the flexibility homeschooling
offers is unmatched. Your child can explore their interests, dive deep into
subjects they're passionate about, and visit places they’ve learned about for a
real-life experience. They don't have to wait until the weekend or school
breaks to learn and grow.
As for the traditional school
system bit: schools are known for structure, strict timetables, and
standardized tests. Now, how many times have you wished for your child to have
the opportunity to follow their interests and learn at their pace rather than
being boxed into a rigid system?
As a homeschooler, your child has the
freedom to follow their passion, the time to pursue it and to follow it wherever it may lead.
For instance, if your child takes a particular interest in butterflies, you can tailor their lessons around that, go on field trips (we traveled the country chasing butterfly species to photograph), and allow them to learn in a way that excites them. Just have a look at some of the projects that took my homeschool son all the way to Oxford University, one of the top Universities in the world:
one-on-one education at its best.
"Looking back, I should never have sent my daughter
to school. She was doing so well at
home. School just destroyed her
confidence and took out that love of learning." ~ Sheila, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook
In the Courageous Homeschooling Handbook, I asked the largest group of families ever brought together to share the reasons they love homeschooling.
“The thing I like most is that we are free to work along our own schedules. I really disliked having to take my child in 5 days a week at set times. Life is too short to give your children up to others to be raised!”
~ Saadiya,
The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook
Homeschooling is also a haven where we can offer a safe environment for our children to grow and learn.
This is especially valuable if you child has suffered from school bullying or struggles with the current tsunami of school anxiety. Look at what Lisa says:
"The comforting thing about schooling at home when you have anxiety, is the ability to just take a break and regroup in a loving supportive environment."
~ Lisa,
The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook
So, while traditional schools create a single program and expect all students to adapt, homeschooling allows you to adapt what you teach based on your child's strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
This is especially important if your child has challenges like dyslexia and autism. Despite some very good schools and some excellent teachers, on the whole school can be a very damaging environment:
"School was such a horrible experience. The few times we tried public school they were bullied, bored, taught in a way that didn't work for them."
With homeschooling, you can organize the curriculum and lessons to suit your child’s optimal learning time and style. Is your child a visual learner? You can use more diagrams and images. Do they learn more from hands-on activities? The world is your classroom with projects and activities to cover all the main subjects from Math to science, as homeschoolers prove with their mostly free suggestions in our Brainstorm Ideas book.
All of these reasons touch directly on why
families love homeschooling. But it doesn't mean it’s devoid of challenges.
Yes, it requires commitment, planning, patience, and yes, your friends and
relations might question or criticize your choice.
However, what matters most is not what others
think, but how your child learns and grows. Homeschooling puts you in the
driver's seat of your child's education. It makes learning a joyful journey
rather than a formality.
If you're unsure about your teaching abilities,
remember, there are numerous homeschooling resources and networks to support
you. From curriculum plans to free online learning resources to
homeschooling communities, the help is always there when you need it.
Always remember that no one understands your
child better than you. You know their strengths, their passions, and their
dreams. Who can be better than you to guide and support them on their
educational journey?
"This is the start of a beautiful adventure. Everything you need is inside of you. Homeschooling was hard at first for me but now it’s the thing I most look forward to." ~ Hannah, The Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group
The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook with 60+ 4-5 star reviews on Amazon shares all the reasons why homeschooling is such a good idea along with answers to the fears we all share like:
Please note that the book links on this page are affiliate links so if you buy I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
"Outstanding. Loved these books. Absolutely honest and realistic approach to homeschooling. For anyone who has doubts or fears , it's great to have a concise and well-informed place to go to. Well done."
~ Amazon 5 star review
In the world of homeschooling, every day can be an adventure. You can spend the day exploring a museum, cooking a meal from a different culture, mining facts about gemstones, or just enjoying a good book together. The opportunities are endless.
Homeschooling also enables you to instill values that are important to your family so you can ensure their education aligns with your family's morals and beliefs. It gives you much more quality time with your children, fostering deeper relationships. You can witness your child's progress, share their excitement, and guide them through tough spots – all on an ongoing basis.
Homeschooling also breaks the age barrier found
in traditional schools. Your child can mingle with children and adults of
various ages, crafts, and cultures far more freely than in a typical
educational environment. In this page
I argue that, far from being at a social disadvantage,
one of the reasons why homeschooling is better is that it offers so many opportunities to make
real friends.
"The socialising side of homeschooling is one I always get struck with and I really think it's ridiculous....
Since I have taken my son out of school he actually has a better social life and he mixes with children of all ages, he is so much happier, more patient and helpful to younger children, and his confidence has blossomed."
~ Helena
Moreover, your child will learn essential life
skills along with academic curriculum - home economics, budgeting, gardening, or
volunteering, to name a few.
Plus, a homeschooling environment ensures your
child can truly learn without the fear of failing. They can take risks, make
mistakes, and learn from them in a safe and supportive environment.
To sum up, homeschooling is focused, flexible, and fulfilling. It may be a
road less traveled, but homeschooling has the potential to transform the
conventional definition of schooling and education.
Just look at the growing numbers of parents
turning to homeschooling. They truly believe that this alternative form of
learning is better for their children. And the list of successful people who
were homeschooled is enough to reassure us that homeschooling delivers
excellent results.
We must remember that every child is unique and
should be allowed to learn in a way that suits them best. With homeschooling,
you can provide a made to measure education, tailored precisely to your child
and their needs.
If you're still pondering, "is
homeschooling a good idea," consider giving it a try. You can always
switch back if it doesn't work for your family.
What's more, you can get support, encouragement and reassurance in my
Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group
where no one judges anyone else. Come and ask as many questions as you like, we are all here to help each other.
Homeschooling is a wonderful journey to embark upon. It truly allows
your child to blossom into who they are meant to be, propelling them to reach
their potential.
The benefits of homeschooling can't be
understated. It’s a fantastic blend of freedom, flexibility, creativity,
one-on-one attention, family bonding, and personalized learning all rolled into
one exceptional educational package.
So yes homeschooling is a good idea. Your
child's education is so important they deserve nothing but the best.
FYO: Sonya Chappell wrote this article, and used GPT-4, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, as a research assistant to develop source material. The author wrote the final draft in its entirety and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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