Home Schooling Resources And Supplies For Parents

These essential home schooling resources and supplies are based on my experience with a homeschool son now at Oxford University and recomendations from over 14,000 homeschoolers.

They also include two vital ingredients you'll need to succeed - strength and courage!

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1. Homeschool Secrets of Success

Homeschool Secrets of Success by Sonya Chappell

"Really good, comforting book for anyone who has ever had a 'wobble' as a home educator.  Clear and concise advise from a parent who has successfully raised her own home educated children." ~ Amazon 5 star review 

Homeschool Secrets of Success is an indispensable guide to how to avoid battles with the kids so you create a happy and enthusiastic home where learning stays fun.

This highly recommended guide will prove to you that the biggest secret to homeschool success is motivation. You will find out what you can do in your homeschool to get your kids happy and enthusiastic - and what not to do.

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Amazon review

"Having spent a small fortune on books and resources over the years, this is one book I would highly recommend to old and new home educators."

2. Courageous Homeschooling Handbooks

The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook with 50+ 4-5 star Amazon reviews brings the largest group of families ever collected together to show how to homeschool successfully.

"Just what I needed to realise I’m not on my own in this journey!" "Soooooo reassuring!" "Grab this book and be inspired!" "Really helpful book." "Unique question and answer book." "Fantastic information" "Super helpful." "Dynamite." ~ Amazon 5-star reviews.

With 50+ 4-5 star Amazon reviews, the Courageous Homeschooling Handbook draws on the collective wisdom of the largest group of homeschooling families ever collected together so you can homeschool with confidence knowing you are making the best decision for your child.

The three Handbooks together are essential home schooling resources. They contain everything you need to encourage you to start homeschooling and work out how to do it in a way that works best for your child.

Find out how Part One overcomes your fears here.

Find out how Part Two shows you how to homeschool here.

Find out how Part Three has the best ideas for teaching reading, writing and math and help with autism, dyslexia and anxiety here.

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Part 1


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Part 2


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Part 3


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"This was one of the best purchases I could have made. This book is filled to the brim with inspirational realistic ideas. I am so grateful for this book and the others in the collection that I am reading at the moment.

I can honestly say that if I hadn't read this book, I may not have been brave enough to take the leap, and I'm so glad for this journey, I wouldn't have missed it for the world." ~ Amazon 5 star review

How to homeschool your kids

3. Homeschooling Ideas Book

Homeschooling ideas book

Do you know enough to teach your child all they need to know? Or will they miss out by not going to school?

When you are unschooling or following an eclectic approach to homeschooling, it's easy to worry you're not covering all the topics your child needs.  Aimed at children up to about age 13, this handy book helps out with inexpensive and unique homeschooling ideas so you can teach every subject from Math to Science.

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Homeschooling Ideas Brainstorm Book

The Homeschooling Ideas Brainstorm Book thumbnail
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N.B. Only the cover is different the book is the same.

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls thumbnail
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  N.B. Only the cover is different the book is the same.

Worried you will have to buy lots of expensive curricula and never be able to give your child the education they deserve?

This book proves you CAN do it and that homeschooling gives your child far more opportunities to learn and succeed. And it's not about how much money you spend.

4. Homeschool Memory Books

Homeschooling memory record book

Homeschooling is the most precious time you ever spend with your child, and a homeschooling Memory book is an essential part of your home schooling resources because it gives you a unique chance to capture those moments forever before they get lost in the fog of time.

Homeschooling Memory Book pages

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Handprint Memory Book

Our Homeschooling Year Memory Book thumbnail
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Memory Book

Homeschool Memories thumbnail
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Fall Leaves Memory Book

Homeschool Memory book thumbnail
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End of Year Memories

Homeschool Memory Book thumbnail
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"This is a great little book to keep lots of fun memories in!! Definitely recommend! Very nicely done!" ~ Amazon 5 star review

5. Homeschooling Happiness Books

These beautiful happiness books are designed especially for us homeschooling Moms to help us find the fulfillment, confidence and joy we deserve.

The Happiness Challenge book for homeschooling Moms

Teaching your child at home is the most rewarding thing you can do; it’s also scary, frustrating and isolating for you as a Mom. Sadly that means your happiness can go out the window; burn out is a problem we all face.

These inspiring books will help you regain a sense of wellbeing and gratitude and realize how lucky you are to have the life you have.

The Happiness Challenge book contains a course of short 15 minute lessons and exercises to transform your confidence and self-esteem.

The book is based on my previous highly successful course taken by over 750 homeschoolers and contains the best self-help resources adapted to homeschooling.

It’s a book to help you find the happiness you deserve and is an essential home schooling resource.

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happiness challenge hschooling Moms book

The Happiness Challenge for Homeschooling Moms

Happiness Challenge for Homeschooling Moms thumbnail
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The Home Education Happiness Challenge for Mums

Home education happiness challenge
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Highly recommended self-care, self-aware little book. Five stars!

"This is a great, beautifully presented little book reminding about important things in life (like gratefulness, kindness), containing the most valuable guidance (things we can so easily forget in everyday life!) in one place. Highly recommended. We are planning to buy other books by the author too!" ~ Amazon 5 star review

Happiness Quotes for homeschooling Moms

A book of inspirational quotes and encouragement might seem a rather unusual addition to your home schooling resources, but actually it is the vital ingredient which helps you succeed. Reminding yourself what a great job you are doing and how many famous people agree with you is such a confidence boost.

Homeschooling quotes and inspiration book

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Happiness Quotes

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Journals and Notebooks

Homeschooling Journals and Notebooks

We all know how much there is to do when you are teaching your child at home and how overwhelming that can feel. These inspirational journals are the perfect way to keep on top of where you are and where you are going so you can stay in control.

Please note that the book links on this page are affiliate links so if you buy I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Homeschooling Journal thumbnail
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essential homeschooling resources

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