Free How To Start Homeschooling Guide:
Unique Tips From A Second Generation Family

You'll see lots of people have written advice on how to start homeschooling, but I'm pretty sure you won't find a guide like mine.

I can give you unique tips that can only come from being a second generation homeschooling family.

Free guide on how to start homeschooling

Tips From A Second Generation Family

I know that starting homeschooling can seem like you're making a leap in the dark.

So you'll be delighted to know that homeschooling pioneers like my parents made that same leap years ago - and it turned out fine!

Free Guide

My free guide will:


Give you living proof that your kids will thrive without school.


Show you that problems which may hold you back today - like the socialization question - simply didn't exist back when I was being homeschooled.

It simply wasn't considered anything that a parent need worry about.

So that helps - because it puts your decision to start in perspective. What the experts think changes all the time. 

There is no 'right' way to do it - and schools don't have all the answers!


Prove that the stress we place on our children through testing and exams is nothing new.

My Dad knew that more than most, because he suffered himself so badly from having to jump through the endless hoops to reach Oxford University.

His warnings of the dangers of too much pressure are even more valid nowadays and will encourage you to realize that you do not need to put your child through all this.

Free guide on how to start homeschooling

Unique Tips

My free guide has unique tips that can only come from having been taught at home myself.

  • Find out revealing things about homeschooling.  A very common worry if you're starting homeschool is how you'll fit everything in.  So it's very comforting to find out that my Dad did basically nothing when he was teaching his two sons - and they still turned out fine!  You'll find tips like how to organize your schedule in my Guide.
  • You'll also find out that many of the problems you'll face when you're thinking how to start homeschooling are the same as my parents faced.  I've no doubt dealing with the relatives is as hard now as it was then!
  • Find out that my Mom, who taught me, says there's a whole lot of stuff she wishes she hadn't done.  That's food for thought if you're thinking of starting homeschool!
free e-mail

When you sign up below, I'll send you my free Guide to How to Start Homeschooling.

You'll get it via e-mail in 8 weekly installments, starting with:

Installment One:

Second Generation Homeschooling:  Advice For Starting Out

You'll find this page on my site, but the other 7 installments are exclusive to My Guide and you'll need to sign up to see them!

Although I wrote this Guide with those starting out in mind, you can get a lot out of it even if you are already homeschooling! 

As a 2nd generation family I can give you:

  • Reassurance to know that everything will work out in the end.
  • Facts you can use to convince friends that homeschooling is the right choice

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My free guide to how to start homeschooling will give you the proof you need that teaching your child at home is the best decision for ever made.

'A really interesting guide, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading it. A real vindication of freedom in education for children.' ~ Hannah

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"I really appreciate your time and effort that goes into your posts... It's nice to see that you are a 2nd generation homeschooler." ~ Teresa

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Please, please, please keep it up, people like you make our home school life so much easier." ~ Kelly

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