Homeschool science comes alive in the rainforest! Our Rainforest for Kids activities include a free Animal Action Pack so you can build your own rainforest scene.
If you are looking for SCIENCE ideas for all ages, including a FREE E-BOOK of experiments, click on the link at the bottom of the page.
We'll go to the Rainforest to meet brightly coloured poison frogs, turn a pineapple into a bromeliad and catch insects in a pitcher plant.
You can even visit a virtual rainforest and find out fascinating facts about it.
You'll finish your homeschool science activities by finding out what you use in your house that comes from the rainforest.
The free Rainforest Resource pack has:
The free Rainforest resources pack is designed for a range of projects. Why not:
"Oh my gosh there was so much that we loved! My son says his favorite part was learning about all the animals, in particular the monkeys." ~ Angie
Our homeschool science activity creates a Rainforest scene on a large piece of green card stock.
"I love your rainforest poster lapbook...I think it's beautiful."
~ Debbie
The first thing you need to make homeschool science fun is a large piece of green card stock - the bigger the better.
You need to start by making the habitat your animals will live in - and, by the way, you've just added a lovely word to your homeschool science curriculum.
This is an 'all in it together' homeschool science project with you working alongside your kids. My daughter Catherine was age 4 when we did this, and my son William 6.
If your kids love animals they will love this project.
With more than half the known animals and plants in the world - Rainforest for Kids activities is perfect for a Homeschool Unit Study.
You can block out the sunlight by using finger-prints.
Just get your kids to stick their fingers in lots of different colored green paint and add a few swathes of green with a big brush.
This was part of the forest activities William and Catherine really enjoyed! What a way to work the word 'canopy' into your homeschool science.
Download your free Rainforest Animal Action Pack
Now is where your Rainforest for Kids activities come alive as you add all the animals.
"Awesome! We are building rainforest habitats tomorrow!"
~ Cricket, homeschool-activities Facebook fan
Action Aid has put together some fantastic free worksheets and printables like the one above so you can build your own rainforest.
For ages 5-7, they have a free welcome to Brazil quiz, animal quiz, build your own rainforest printables and teacher notes to download here.
For ages 7-11, they have Amazon rainforest facts, a deforestation fact sheet, writing exercises and teacher notes to download for free here.
Here are 10 Top Facts. Did you know?
"For our Rainforest Unit we made some lovely paper snakes, origami frogs, a paper craft Macaw and we built a Lego rainforest too. We also found some fab things to watch on YouTube." ~ Teena
I quite like this rainforest trail cam - the grainy and slightly blurry images gives a feel of really being there and will get your child glued trying to spot the armadillo and tapir.
It helps to bring things closer to home if you can hear from the children who live there.
Here are some stories from real children who live in the rainforest.
My daughter's chameleon would work brilliantly as a rainforest diorama based on our ocean diorama.
I saw this done using a circular slot in the back of the shoe box to make a howler monkey swing through the trees. It's the same idea we used to make a pterosaur fly in kindergarten activities
"We made a diorama and found a colorful sticker printout sheet with the names of the animals. (I didn't have any sticker paper so I just printed on copy paper, cut out and glued them on)." ~ Angie
The Rainforest Alliance has facts, virtual storybooks and online games to play.
Try out some of these wonderful ideas on Pinterest from making a rainforest biome in a jar to a tree sloth and a rainforest pinata.
Wow! William loved the idea of plants setting traps for animals and Rainforest for Kids was the beginning of his fascination with carnivorous plants.
As part of your activities to celebrate rainforests, why not buy your own pitcher plant? There is so much homeschool science to learn in the way plants attract their prey.
Maybe it's going a bit far to suggest that part of your homeschool activities might include leaving your cat food out for a few days to mimic one of the smelliest plants in the world - rafflesia!
But I can easily show you how to make a terrarium for carnivorous plants like this sundew.
I'm sure your kids will love watching plants catch insects. Growing a plant which eats definitely appeals to kids!
If that sounds too complicated, Rainforest for Kids was the start of our love-affair with making things move on the page.
See how your rainforest comes alive once you start getting things opening and closing and making things slide along.
You can find out how to do it in this page on paper crafts for kindergarten.
Watch the pterosaur fly!
You can use just the same simple techniques we used to make our flying pterosaur and leaping ichthyosaur.
How about an emerald tree boa slithering along one of your branches?
And our ring-tailed lemur comes from grey felt with a card tail.
Listen to the sounds of the Rainforests.
Before your kids decide who else to add, you could wake their interest by listening to them!
There's a great site where you can make your own rainforest sounds:
"I came across this rainforest sound generator, you can set the dials for rain, insects, frogs etc.
I thought it would be fun for kids to make their
own unique rainforest sounds!" ~ Angie
You couldn't let your kids miss out on the arachnids! There are more species here than anywhere else, with 850 species of tarantulas alone.
Poison frogs are fabulous.
"We found an activity to make a bird using multi-colored cutouts of my son's hands as feathers.
That was my most favorite!" ~ Angie
How about having even more fun with your Rainforest for Kids science activities by making your own bromeliad?
The Remarkable Rainforest by Toni Albert has this great homeschool science project:
Facts for homeschool science:
Don't forget the forest floor!
Millipedes are enormous. You could use corrugated card to show off the segmented body.
How about a rhinoceros beetle?
Bring the Rainforests Home
Part of the fun of Rainforest for Kids is to make it real. Why not go round the house and see what you can find that originally came from the forest?
Your homeschool science activities could include finding out what else
comes from there!
This jaguar isn't going to be the only one to suffer if we keep on chopping down the trees.
Field Trips
Part of your rainforest activities should really be visiting one.
Once you've all begun to see how marvelous rainforests are, you'll probably want to help try and save them.
You could add writing activities to your homeschool science.
By now you should have met spider monkeys, harpy eagles and tree sloths.
Rainforest for Kids is all part of the delight of homeschool science.
And by learning about the rainforest you'll be doing everything you can to get your kids interested so they want to help save them.
This is what one of my Facebook fans said after seeing this page:
"We are going to do this and then head to the Rain Forest Café." ~ Nancy
I can't think of a better way to round off homeschool science!
Here are some of my most popular homeschooling pages. Click on the pic to go to the page. And - enjoy!
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