Dyslexia Strategies

Knowing the dyslexia strategies that help your child learn best is vital, especially if you are homeschooling. You'll find real-life tips and advice from fellow homeschoolers about which methods they have found work so you can pick the best ideas for your child.

homeschooling dyslexia strategies

4,000 homeschooling families come together to share reassurance, tips and teaching ideas to show you how homeschool can transform your child's life.

You will see what works when it comes to dyslexia strategies that really make a difference. Top among those are patience, encouragement and love - the things which make homeschooling so different from your child being lost and alone in a classroom not set up to cater for their unique gifts.

N.B. To be clear, our third Courageous Homeschooling Handbook is not solely about help with dyslexia. It also covers teaching reading, writing, math and challenges like autism and anxiety. See more here.

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What You Need To Know About Dyslexia Strategies


There's one thing all homeschoolers would agree on whichever dyslexia strategies you use with your child.

When it comes to dyslexia, praise and encouragement is the most important key to success.

After all, your child is likely to feel there is something 'wrong' with them when they aren't able to do some things so easily as others seem to be able to.

If you're worried your child may have dyslexia, you can see the signs and symptoms here.

YOUR JOB - is to instill in him self confidence. To explain that he is DIFFERENT NOT LESS.

(Every time I said that to him he was like - "MOM YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!"  - but he smiled each and every time.)

~ Allie, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

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I know you can do it! Tell your child every day he is good enough, he can do it, he has greater potential than most.

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Dyslexic people think differently and that's what makes us unique.

~ Samantha, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help


And Suzanne has another vital point to make:

"I have three dyslexic kids. I have learned so much about teaching differently for each child.

Each dyslexic kid has a different learning profile. I have one with an auditory processing issue and dyscalcula and another who doesn’t and is great at math. They’re all different."

~ Suzanne, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

One of the reasons homeschoolers say that homeschooling works so well helping with dyslexia is that you can give the individual, one-to-one help your child needs.

So whichever dyslexia strategies you use you can adapt to what works best with your individual child.

And if you need reassurance that you will succeed have a look here for proof that homeschooling children with dyslexia works.


The other vital element to ensure whichever dyslexia strategies you choose work can be summed up in one word:

" Patience." ~ Suzanne, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

"I refuse to push my kids to keep up with the Joneses. We literally start one task and will continue with said subject until we fully understand. When we feel confident that we have the understanding we move on to the next. ...

To have the confidence that you've completed a job is the reward that will help with the next task."

~Claire, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

Tips For Homeschooling With Dyslexia

tips and information

Here are some of the ideas shared in The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook:

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I have found it helps to break words down to about three or four letters. Such as beautiful. Beau..ti...ful. When we say then we make a variant with our voice. So with the beau it starts lower. Ti is the highest tone then it goes down for ful.

I tend to do little in spot spelling questions that we've done that morning. If they can remember the word we give it a tick. If they need to go back to the book for a refresher then so be it. We will do the same words every day for a week. Then move on. At the end of the month I will go over all words again. Those they can't remember move on to the next month.

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~ Claire, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

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Educate yourself on how to teach letters, phonics, math etc. to your child.  For our gang visual learning has been the ticket.

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~ Suzanne, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

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My son is brilliant in many ways but struggles mightily with reading but holy smokes we discovered audio books and he is in heaven...

I was first inspired by a lady I met who is also a vet and was homeschooled as a child. She had severe dyslexia and did not read until around age 11. She said she listened to EVERYTHING on tape. She was exposed to kid stories but also the great literature and history in this way.

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~ Michelle, The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook Homeschool Help

You will many more ideas for teaching your child here, including a site where you can get fee audio books, as well as recommendations for the best websites.

Dyslexia strategies are all about adapting your teaching method to the way your child learns best.

More tips in the Handbook are:

  1. Don't forget to take advantage of the computer!  You are not 'copping out' by using one; physical handwriting is a nightmare for most children with dyslexia. Word processors make life much easier. Allow your child to use the spell checker and grammar/punctuation help so they can concentrate on the most important part - which is the content.
  2. Let your child answer orally rather than always insisting they write the answer down.
  3. Try to draw out on paper something visual to show the exercise rather than relying on words.  Also, if you do some sort of funny action to go with it that may well help your child remember!
The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook with help, advice and reassurance from the largest group of homeschooling families ever collected together in one book.

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By homeschooling, you will be able to find the dyslexia strategies which work best and adapt your teaching to help your child.

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