Free Homeschooling Resources
Online Homeschool Sites And Materials

There are plenty of free homeschooling resources out there so teaching your child at home doesn't have to cost much - and is also far more effective and successful.

This infographic features the best free educational websites so you can see for yourself!

free homeschooling resources

Top Three Homeschooling Sites

number one
two girls with piggy bank

Out of all the free homeschooling resources available, I've got one which stands out. It's run by my friend Julie.

You'll find loads of ideas, activities and suggestions to tap into. By far my favorite site, you'll find the resources to help you inspire your children with a love of learning.

number two

For high school, the Khan Academy just has to be like being given a front seat in the best lecture hall in the world.

Khan academy

"Khan rocks!" ~ Karalu

"Just started using it this week." ~ Veronica

"It's also Common Core Standards, if anyone is concerned about that." ~ Bobbi

~ homeschool-activities Facebook fans

Khan Academy is for High School kids and up, but my daughter Catherine has enjoyed some of the free videos from age about 9. In terms of free homeschooling materials, it's one of the best online sites around.

number three
TED Educational videos

TED Education is an excellent resource covering all sorts of subjects.

Find out:

  • How dogs smell
  • How the lungs work
  • About the Atlantic Slave Trade or the Assassination of Julius Caesar

And just about everything else!

piggy bank

Free Homeschooling Curriculum Guide

If you're looking for a free homeschooling curriculum, we've written a guide to all the ones which get top marks. And if you're looking for science projects to cover your science curriculum, check out our home school science page.

More Homeschool Resources

One photograph can change your whole homeschooling day! National Geographic must be the world leader in photography and it only takes a second to pick out an image or an article you think your kids will be struck by. We love the wildlife photos in our homeschool, but there's plenty to choose from: the aurora lights over Yukon, crocodile fossils, best of the Month photos...

This site is also great for free homeschooling materials, because good photographs often make all the difference to a homeschool lapbook or add to your free homeschool unit studies.

National Geographic Education

National Geographic Education also has tons of free homeschooling resources which are great for all sorts of topics.

Obviously, this is one of those online sites full of resources aimed at adults so you need to select with care. But I'm sure you'll find that when you're homeschooling age is often irrelevant! It's usually relatively easy to adapt online resources, sites and materials to whatever age your kids are.

Even if all you do is to turn one of the pictures into your homeschool desktop background your kids may surprise you with their questions!

Free Language Learning

Learning a language can be one of your most expensive outlays when you're homeschooling. So it's great to know there's some free help around!

My homeschool friends Diana and Tom have set up a great website to help you with free language resources.

Learn Online is a free and easy to use system for learning European languages for kids and young adults. You can learn French, Spanish, German, English and Welsh with ic language.

Free Homeschooling Sites

dollars with padlock

I've got lots more free homeschooling resources, materials and online sites to share with you. We'll be looking at free homeschool worksheets and printables as well as homeschooling freebies.

You can also see my page on affordable homeschooling.

I'm sure you'll agree that the biggest advantages of homeschooling come from the freedom you have to follow the interests of your child. And learning, as we all know, is not about money or expense.

If you look at my homeschooling quotes page, you'll see one of my favorites is:

"For it is love, not tricks and techniques of thought, that lies at the heart of all true learning." (John Holt, How Children Learn)

Luckily, there are plenty of excellent free homeschooling resources, sites and materials around to help you homeschool without needing to spend anything.

And I got homeschoolers to share the best free teaching ideas for all subjects up to the age of about 13 in our Brainstorm Ideas book:

homeschooling ideas book

Homeschooling Ideas Brainstorm Book

The Homeschooling Ideas Brainstorm Book thumbnail
Buy Now button

N.B. Only the cover is different the book is the same.

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls

Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls thumbnail
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  N.B. Only the cover is different the book is the same.

Please note that the book links on this page are affiliate links so if you buy I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Homeschooling Online › Free Resources

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"With the education system failing so many brilliant children it's great to be able to have resources like your website for inspiration, ideas and just a sense of belonging. What you are doing for your children is priceless." ~ Natalija

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Please, please, please keep it up, people like you make our home school life so much easier." ~ Kelly

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