Handwriting For Kids
Homeschooling Help

Looking for help with handwriting for kids? Get a free printable with the best homeschool tips, the best recommendations for free worksheets, ideas and homeschooling resources.

Handwriting for kids puts gives you the top suggestions recommended by members of my homeschooling exam forum and my Courageous Homeschooling facebook fans.

Please note, all kids are different so what suits one won't suit another!

Also, there is increasing evidence that fine motor skills are something which develop naturally over time.

Try not to force things!

And there are lots of different ways to learn - it's just about finding the way that suits your child best.

handwriting help for kids

Free Homeschool Resources

Handwriting Tips Free Printable

Teaching kids handwriting can be a minefield!  So I was delighted when Ange let me share her tips as a homeschool Mom.

free prrintable

Ange has written the best, clearest and most helpful guide to how to teach handwriting I have seen.

"I'm happy to help because there is just so much stuff out there that it can get overwhelming taking everything in and trying to do everything to get to that goal of getting your children to write legibly. When something like that is just simplified, going step by step, making it fun along the way, well that appeals to my brain's need for structure!"

~ Ange, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group

Free Handwriting e-Book

Hard site to navigate but strongly recommended for its free e-book on teaching handwriting.

The author, who is Icelandic, takes you through how to teach writing, beginning with an exercise on zig-zags which can easily be turned into letter shapes.

He wants to make writing fun by using games like drawing circles and a special free exercise on hand control based on the Martians.  He starts with pen skills and moves on to writing exercises.

free printable

This is his free handwriting e-bookWatch out!  It's not easy to spot where it is!

You want the one called Cursive Italic News.  For some reason they've made it really hard to find - look at the cover, click on it and it will take you through to a free download page.

free e-book on teaching writing

His approach to teaching handwriting is refreshing and has been used by many homeschoolers.

"Martians are more fun than line after line of pattern exercises. They serve the same purpose, and anybody can make them."

~ Gunnlaugur SE Briem

Free Copywork

manuscript copywork

Simply Charlotte Mason has a free download of eighteen copywork selections for beginning writers.

Includes classic poetry, Scripture, and more. 

Each of the eighteen poems, Bible passages, and hymns included is in a manuscript “handwritten” font on one-inch lined paper. 

There is a blank line directly below each typed line for ease of copying.

Free Handwriting Worksheets

printable french lined paper

Some homeschoolers have noted that French children usually have very neat handwriting! 

You may like this free download from printablepaper.net which has  lines 2 mm apart, with darker lines every 8 mm, and is on A4 sized paper. 

It is aimed at getting children to practice consistent letter heights.

This site lets you download  free handwriting practice sheets.

You can change the font, size, color and style of letter to what suits you best.

free alphabet worksheets

Don't forget we have our own free homeschool alphabet worksheets which lots of people use.

They are specially illustrated by my daughter to appeal to your child's love of animals.

We also have free letter templates and alphabetical order sheets.

"Great with kindergarten and first graders to prevent letter and  number reversals."  ~ learn4yourlife.com

Handwriting For Kids Resources

Please note that the book links on this page are affiliate links so if you buy I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.


"We always used to use square paper that helped with the size and space control. For actual letter shapes we downloaded dotted letters for them to go over until they got the idea."

"Me too!"

Serena and Danielle, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group

One of the very best homeschooling tips I've seen to help improve handwriting for kids is this:

handwriting tip for kids
jane austen

"Children can get frustrated quite easily, it's very important to continue to praise.

Try for every line that they trace over/write, they pick one letter they think is exceptional and then you pick one you think was written very well."

~ Jewish Online School

Handwriting Problems

child dyslexia

If your child is really struggling, it is worth checking out the signs and symptoms of dyslexia.

You will find recommendations for the best free dyslexia websites, homeschooling stories of success and ideas to help you find the best methods to use with your child.

"Trust your gut. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, including a school teacher (this happened to us), if your kid tells you they’re struggling, if you know in your gut that something is going on, trust yourself. Always."

~ Suzanne, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook Group

Problems holding the pen

Some children - like my son - struggle with grasp.  Allie has this really helpful suggestion:

"If you have a writer who has an issue with grasp - an item that we tried was called "the Writing Bird." It is a literal bird shaped item (similar to a computer mouse) and the pen/pencil attaches to it and you write holding the bird.

This was helpful (and)I do think it is a good option."

~ Allie, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group

You'll also find my Facebook fans have come to the rescue with lots of helpful suggestions and encouragement in my page on my child can't write.

And of course everyone agrees that the key to helping handwriting for kids is to make it fun

You'll find free homeschool kids story writing worksheets  and lapbook suggestions because the more you can get your child writing, the better.

And of course you can also join the Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group where we support and encourage each other and share helpful resources.

story writing worksheets

Where would you like to go now?

Click on the picture to go to the page:

creative writing ideas
my life in a box
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My son William is definitely a reluctant writer  - so I know homeschooling handwriting for kids can be difficult!

Trying to relax and using the suggestions here to make writing as much fun as you can will definitely help.

Homeschooling Writing › Handwriting

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