Home School Help E-Book With
Answers To Your Questions

We all need some home school help sometimes! My free e-book will answer your questions by giving you suggestions from lots of different homeschooling families.

We all need a friend to turn to.  I hope that my Homeschool Helper will be that friend.

homeschool helper with answers to common problems

You can download your free copy of Homeschool Helper here.

Homeschool Helper has answers from many different homeschooling families to the most common problems homeschoolers face. 

Thank you so much to my Facebook fans for your help!

Homeschooling Help For Parents

You'll find wonderful contributions from many different parents in Homeschool Helper.

These are some of the questions you'll find answers to:

Is my child 'missing out' by not going to school?

How much should I be teaching my 4 year-old?

How do I teach writing?

The trouble is, I couldn't fit all the answers in! Sorry if you are one of the people who isn't there.  You'll find full answers to this very difficult question:

what do you do when your child won't do any school work?

on this home school help page, including Jayme's useful tip:


Since I published my Homeschool Helper, I've made a new page where you can see answers to this vital question:

How do I start homeschooling?

You'll find recommendations for free resources too.

And if you're feeling overwhelmed and frazzled, don't worry - we all need some home school help sometimes!

What makes all the difference is having some time for yourself - the trouble is there never seems to be any time!

Have a look here for my home school tips on how to get some time for yourself.

Homeschool Mom Wisdom

Homeschooling can feel lonely at times, and one of the best ways to get some home school help is by sharing real experiences.

Rachel's homeschool story

In this wonderful free e-book of homeschooling wisdom, Rachel shows you why teaching her children is so important to her, even if it does have its ups and downs!

I would love it if you felt you could share your journey. I hope that my experience as one of the very few second generation homeschooling families will also help you answer your homeschooling worries.

You'll find out that my Mom has some regrets about things she wished she hadn't done when she was teaching me at home. By listening to her experiences and adding yours, we can learn from each other - and get someone to lean on when times are hard!

Help With Homeschooling

When you're homeschooling, the responsibility for teaching your child can get overwhelming at times.

Lightening the load with inspirational quotes and humor is always a good idea. 

But the best way is when we can help each other.

So, with your help, I would like to make a series of Homeschool Helpers.  If you have a question or feel that you can help someone else, please come over to my Facebook page.

You can also ask a question right here on my help page.

One of the commonest worries I get asked about is what to do if your child won't write. You'll have found lots of great answers in Homeschool Helper, and I can give you suggestions on this page for creative writing ideas and prompts.

And if you'd like some tips on how to rejuvenate your homeschool you've come to the right place!

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Dealing with your worries and finding some home school help can make all the difference when you're homeschooling.

Homeschooling › Help

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"With the education system failing so many brilliant children it's great to be able to have resources like your website for inspiration, ideas and just a sense of belonging. What you are doing for your children is priceless." ~ Natalija

"I really appreciate your time and effort that goes into your posts... It's nice to see that you are a 2nd generation homeschooler." ~ Teresa

"Your newsletters & book have helped us through our journey.  For that I can only thank you.
Please, please, please keep it up, people like you make our home school life so much easier." ~ Kelly

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