Homeschooling Dad Wisdom:
True Stories To Show Why Homeschooling Is Best

Read homeschool Dad wisdom as Dads share true stories and I'd love you to add your own so we know what it's really like and why you chose to teach your children at home.

Homeschool Dads share stories about what it's like homeschooling their kids.

Us Moms are the ones who mostly take on the role of homeschooling day-to-day, but let's not forget about the Dads! We all know Dads are equally vital and that you also can be the ones who take charge.  Speaking personally, I could never have homeschooled without my husband Rob.

So what's it like being a homeschool Dad? The challenges will be similar but not the same. It's time for some homeschool Dad wisdom.

By sharing stories we can all help each other. It's really important as a Dad to hear you are not alone and everything really does work out fine in the end.

Homeschool Mom Wisdom

Homeschool Mom wisdom story

There are some great stories you can see Moms have contributed. I really recommend reading Rachel's story on my homeschool Mom wisdom page.

And if you are a Mom reading this page - go to the Mom wisdom page to add your story :)

But Dads often have their own way to talk to each other. Anyone who has been in a relationship knows it's about embracing and valuing the differences between us. So hearing from a fellow homeschool Dad cuts through where others can't.

Homeschool Dad Wisdom

You can help. By sharing your homeschool Dad wisdom and telling us the problems you face it helps us all know that fears like:

  • being a bad teacher
  • losing patience
  • and failing your child

are things all Dads worry about.

Although my Dad taught some of my brothers at home at different times, when I was homeschooled my Mom did it. My Dad was an amazing teacher and specially chose to teach those hardest to reach, including criminals and bricklayers. He had been taught by CS Lewis and JRR Tolkein at Oxford University but he knew that going to one of the top Universities in the world should not be about privilege. He knew that everyone has potential and the key to unlocking it is encouraging an interest in the world.

That didn't mean he was very good at the one-to-one! Dad was like a preformer; he didn't have much patience to wait around for things to finally click. I think it would have helped him enormously to hear from other homeschool Dads that maybe you struggle with that too. And maybe you would have gained strength from his clarity in seeing the faults in the educational system that led him to become one of the UK's homeschool pioneers.

So please come and share your homeschool Dad wisdom. What have you learned that would help other Dads?

P.S. My husband Rob says he will buy you a beer for writing your story; I said it would have to be a virtual one!

Share Your Dad Wisdom: What's Homeschooling Really Like?

Share your experience of what it's like being a homeschooling Dad.

Why did you decide to start?
What do you think is best about homeschooling?
What ages are your children?
How do you do homeschooling and has anything changed?
What are the difficult bits?
Have you got any tips for someone starting out - especially Dads?

If you have a photo you're happy to share - maybe something your kids have made - that would be great.

Be sure to browse and comment on other homeschooling stories at the bottom of this page.

Read More Homeschool Dad Wisdom

Click on the links below to see more stories from homeschooling Dads.

Our Homeschool Story 
Why Did We Choose Homeschooling? Like many families that end up home-schooling, we had been blessed with a youngster who just didn't fit into the school …

My Homeschooling Dad Experience 
Why did I decide to begin homeschooling and when? I never imagined being a homeschooling dad! I assumed that our son Sam would go to school, 'like …

Click here to write your own.

Rob's Homeschool Dad Story

In our homeschool, my husband Rob was my main support.

Rob took over homeschooling one day a week. I'm hopeless at Math; Physics and Chemistry are not my strong points either.  So when the children got to High School age Rob dropped down to four days a week at work so he could teach William on the fifth. That made all the difference.

So what does he see as the main challenges of being a homeschool Dad?

  • Hiding the truth from work. Homeschooling can be difficult enough for friends and family to accept without having to explain to work colleagues as well!
  • Disapproval from his parents, who had struggled hard to get their children the 'best education' and never understood homeschooling.
  • Tiring after a busy week's work.
  • Difficult to measure if it's 'working' - are the children really learning anything?

And this is the best thing he got out of it:

  • Not conforming to society's vision of what education is. Knowing that he had learned far more from the things he did outside school, he wanted his children to have the opportunity to find their own interests and follow them.

Whether you are a homeschool Dad who has given up work to homeschool or you are there to give much needed support; your homeschool Dad wisdom is just as helpful.

Share Your Dad Wisdom: What's Homeschooling Really Like?

Share your experience of what it's like being a homeschooling Dad.

Why did you decide to start?
What do you think is best about homeschooling?
What ages are your children?
How do you do homeschooling and has anything changed?
What are the difficult bits?
Have you got any tips for someone starting out - especially Dads?

If you have a photo you're happy to share - maybe something your kids have made - that would be great.

Be sure to browse and comment on other homeschooling stories at the bottom of this page.

Read More Homeschool Dad Wisdom

Click on the links below to see more stories from homeschooling Dads.

Our Homeschool Story 
Why Did We Choose Homeschooling? Like many families that end up home-schooling, we had been blessed with a youngster who just didn't fit into the school …

My Homeschooling Dad Experience 
Why did I decide to begin homeschooling and when? I never imagined being a homeschooling dad! I assumed that our son Sam would go to school, 'like …

Click here to write your own.

Jeremy's homeschool Dad story

Come and read Jeremy's homeschool story and find out why homeschool Dad's are heroes!

"Do we heroes feel pain? Yes, we do. Do we heroes cry sometimes? I know I do. Do we heroes struggle when we are not always understood or appreciated? Often!

But we will never quit - because heroes never quit - and like homeschooling mums, we love our kids too much and we would rather die trying in order that we may give them our absolute best!"

~ Jeremy

Read Jeremy's homeschooling Dad story

If you like this page, do me a favor and SHARE it.  I really want to use your Homeschool Dad wisdom to encourage other Dads to see that homeschooling is something they can do and is the best decision for their child.

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