Homeschool High School Interview:
Grant's Story

If you're about to homeschool high school, it's very inspiring to hear direct from  someone who's being taught at home themselves because they can tell you what it's really like.

This is an interview with Grant, who's fifteen and doing homeschool high school himself.

At the end you can see an inspiring video from another hoemschooled teenager.

Why I Like Home School

Grant Randa

(Florida, U.S.)

Grant, who was homeschooled

Hi, my name is Grant. I’m 15 years old, and have been Home Schooled for 6 years.

There are many reasons that I like Home School. In a traditional classroom setting, you don’t get one on one attention. I am lucky to have that, which helps me achieve a better understanding of the material, and higher scores.

I also don’t have to be stuck in a classroom all day. It usually takes me about 3 hours to complete my work. I have been in traditional classroom settings, so I am speaking from experience.

Home School also helps me stay healthy. My Mom is a Fitness Instructor, and has taught us how to eat healthy. I also have time for daily exercise, which I love.

Homeschool High School Teaching

I love having my Mom as a teacher, instead of a total stranger. I’m much more comfortable with her. She is very helpful, and patient, and also one of the smartest people I know. If she doesn’t know the answer to something, we find it together.

One of the best things about Home School, is that I get to spend time with my brother, who is also my best friend. He’s a grade ahead of me, so we wouldn’t see each other much in regular school.

I also get to spend a lot of time with my Dad. He has taught me so much about how to work around the house.

Grant's family

In summary, in my opinion, there are so many advantages to Home School, and I have presented some of the reasons I like it.

My only question would be, “What’s not to like?”

Worry less and enjoy your kids more quote

It's great to hear the positive proof Grant's story brings. 

As you'll know if you're starting homeschool high school, it's easy to obsess about the extra responsibility exams bring.

So have a look at what Grant's Mom says:

"October will make 7 years of home schooling for us. My sons had been asking to be home schooled for years and my husband and I both agreed.

It was the best decision we have ever made." ~ Sharon

I couldn't agree more!

High School Homeschool Student

Here's another interesting homeschool high school interview:

If you or your kids want to share your story about what it's like doing homeschool high school, please contact me.

Homeschooling High School › Grant's Story

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