Homeschooling Mistakes

Courageous Homeschooling e-course lesson seventeen

Homeschooling mistakes and the fear you will let your child down are one of the worst parent nightmares.  Come and learn the No-Lose model so you can see that everything works out fine in the end!

Courageous Homeschooling e-course

My Courageous Homeschooling e-course is teaching you the techniques to make homeschooling succeed, and one of the biggest problems we have to deal with is:


Even those two words send a tremble down the spine!

Because we have been brought up not to make mistakes. They are a sign of FAILURE.

And that is one of our biggest homeschooling FEARS.

homeschooling mistakes

What if our homeschooling starts to go 'wrong' – the kids won't do what you'd planned, you end with endless arguments about math, your kids shut themselves in their rooms all day with a sign saying; “Go Away!*”?

(*You'll find my daughter's Keep OUT notice even includes the chilling words: “Guard dogs will not hesitate to kill.”)

Have you made a horrible MISTAKE and homeschooling isn't for you?

N.B. This is Lesson 17 of my 21 lesson free Courageous Homeschooling e-course which teaches the techniques to make homeschooling work for all of you.

Sign up for daily installments here.

My Homeschool Isn't 'Working'

Susan Jeffers is really helpful here.

She points out that we learn from our mistakes.

“There is really nothing to lose, only something to gain, whatever the choices you make or actions you take in life...All you have to do to change your world is change the way you think about it.” ~ Susan Jeffers, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Let's explore what she means by looking at the darkest worry of them all.

You're at a choice point: you're facing lots of battles and you think you should stop homeschooling and send the kids back to school.

That's a pretty big decision!


Conventional thinking tells us there are two choices, one right and one wrong.

And here's Susan to show us what happens then:

“Your heart feels heavy about the choice you have to make.  You feel somewhat paralyzed as you think abut the consequences in life-and-death terms. You stand at the threshold of the decision, lamenting and obsessing: “Should I do this or should I do that?” ~ Susan Jeffers

And then, even when you've made the decision,

“You keep looking back and berating yourself with 'If only I had...'” ~ Susan Jeffers

Even if things seem to be working out:

“You are already worrying that the situation might reverse itself and that it might ultimately prove to be the wrong decision.” ~ Susan Jeffers

I've had to quote from Susan a lot here because it all sounds so agonizingly familiar!

Take Action

confident homeschooling

The solution to homeschooling mistakes is to use Susan's No-Lose model.

She says that:

Whatever choice you make will bring it's own 'Goodies.'

Both choices are right because they are opportunities to experience life in a new way and to learn and to grow.

Action Plan

Susan's No-Lose Model is a great tool to adapt to homeschooling.

Whatever choice you make is the right one.

If you do decide to send your children back to school, you'll have both learned from the experience of homeschooling.

The important thing is to look at your homeschooling mistakes positively.

There is good in everything.

Maybe you've discovered you don't have enough patience to homeschool – in which case you could look at ways to give yourself more time and more fun things to do which will make your elastic stretch further!

Your kids will have found out things too – maybe interests they want to explore out of school.

build a successful homeschool

Most of us probably don't get so far as sending the kids back to school (unless we've had a really bad day!).

But it is a great comfort to know that even if you end up making the ultimate decision it will be the right one.

And that brings a great sense of peace and calm – because you can stop worrying about homeschooling mistakes.

In the rest of this e-course we'll build on everything we've done already and look at how the No Lose model helps take away your fears about the day-to-day decisions we all face.

We'll learn how to take the pressure off and celebrate all the wonderful things in your life.

Best wishes



What you've achieved so far on the Courageous Homeschooling course:

  • You are going to make a few tough decisions and surround yourself with people who say YES!
  • You've read the research and you know you have nothing to fear – your kids will be better socialized by being homeschooled than if you sent them to school.
  • You've learned to start to TRUST that everything is going to be OK.
  • You know how to lighten the burden and not expect too much of yourself or your children when it comes to your homeschooling GOALS.
  • You know it's okay to make homeschooling MISTAKES.

Gosh what a long way we've come together! 

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Courageous Homeschooling e-course

Courageous Homeschooling Journal

You can get this beautiful Journal to go with the course.

The 21 page printable Journal will give you:

  • Exercises to help you feel more confident about homeschooling
  • A special place to write all the things you value that make homeschooling so worthwhile
  • The opportunity to work out your goals
  • Reassurance and inspiration

If you love to think with a pen in your hand, you will love these beautiful pages.

Courageous Homeschooling Journal

P.S. My very successful book Homeschool Secrets of Success is an indispensable guide to what to do if things go 'wrong' in your homeschool.

With practical help from homeschoolers who have 'been there and done that', you will see how homeschoolers have benefited from their 'mistakes' to learn how to motivate their children and create the homeschool of their dreams.

Homeschool Secrets of Success
Amazon review
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