Is Homeschooling The Right Decision For Your Child?
The Benefits Of Teaching Your Child

Taking the leap into homeschooling takes a lot of courage, so is homeschooling the right decision for your child? Hear why others think teaching their child at home has so many benefits.

Is homeschooling the right choice?

Don't worry, if you're struggling with this question we know how lonely it can feel when your child's future is in your own hands.

There are lots of reasons we all worry about homeschooling, like:

  • Will my child make friends?
  • How will I fit everything in?
  • Can I cope?

At the root of it all is the nightmare question: Will I fail my child?

Luckily, help is at hand. You will find the answers to these cries from the heart from real-life Moms inside the Courageous Homeschooling Handbook.

I will put some of the many answers to reassure you below, but if you really want to find out all the benefits of homeschooling and see all the different ways we do it so you can choose the method that suits your child the best, our Courageous Homeschooling Handbooks are the place to go.

You will be inspired to read the true stories from so many families proving that we've all been there, we know exactly what you mean - but actually it's all going to work out just fine.

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Is Homeschooling The Right Decision For Your Child?

Let's get some ressurance:

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I wasn't sure at first.

I felt led to homeschool but I didn't know what to expect or if I could do it. I told myself we would try it for a year.

My kids were so much happier, healthier, lower stress level, we were closer as a family and they were starting to enjoy learning again.

It really was the best decision we could have ever made. We are now on our 3rd year and I really wish I had started sooner and not let fear and doubt slow me down.

~ Amanda, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

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My child was instantly happier.

She had been developing tics from the stress, cried every day, was being bullied and injured at school and her class teacher blamed her anxiety on me. (Sigh). She was 5 years old and depressed.

I bless the day I rescued her from that mess. My son never even went. They are both well-educated, employed, happy, healthy adults.

~ Dorothy, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

School Is Not Right For All Children

Anthony knows that more than most. I asked him what his answer was to "Is homeschooling the right decision?" He replied that teaching in California's public school system for a number of years had convinced him because:

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It opened my eyes to just how much the school system is failing our children.

~ Anthony, Homeschool Activities fan

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My children, age 9 and 6, were really unhappy and stressed in school.

I feel that school is too academic and there is not enough play.

~ Melanie, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group

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School wasn't safe so we had no choice.

All I can say is if anyone gets even a sniff that their child does not feel safe in school and/or is being bullied in any way, get them out of there.

The invisible effects don't go away no matter how good things become.

Their lives are far more valuable than any slip of paper or ticked box.

~ Catherine, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

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What frightened me about school was the attitude, the teenage behavior.

I don't want that for my kids of 5- and 6-year-olds. Let them be kids as long as they can.

They will teenagers and adults soon enough without the peer pressure in schools rushing it.

~ Majella, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

And look at what John Taylor Gatto says after winning the New York city Teacher of the Year Award.

It might help settle some of your worries about homeschool socialization, especially when this page shows you that in many ways homeschooling is a far more healthy way of making real friends.

Quote by John Taylor Gatto

What If You Don't Know What's Best?

If you are sitting on the fence pondering is homeschooling the right decision, listen to Nicole:

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It took about a year to really believe that we made the right choice.

We have been doing it for almost 3 years and there are still days when it's a hot mess. We learn from those days, make the changes necessary, and move on.

No one set way will work across the board in homeschool.

Find what works for your family, be flexible and most importantly GIVE YOURSELF GRACE! Take mental days as needed. Kids and adults alike need them.

~ Nicole, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

The Benefits Of Homeschooling

There are so many benefits to homeschooling, like

  • being able to make your own schedule
  • greater flexibility (get your free planner here)
  • teaching according to your child's interests, with a great book of teaching ideas showing you how to cover all the subjects with fun projects
  • better socialization

But I will leave the conclusion to Julie:

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I actually think homeschooling is right for every loving, supportive, family.

Traditional school might work for some but most children would absolutely thrive in the proper homeschooling environment too.

The beauty is with homeschooling you can make it what you want to fit your child's and your needs.

~ Julie, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

And Terri says something that deep down all parents realize; you have to trust your instincts and not what anyone else says.

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You just know. Your heart has a peace with it.

~ Terri, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

If you would like more help and support, please do come and join us in my Courageous Homeschooling Facebook group where no one judges anyone else and we all encourage each other.

But if you really want to find the answer to: Is Homeschooling the right decision? the best place to look is our Courageous Homeschooling Handbooks. 

They will show you the best way to homeschool for you and your family as well as how to teach subjects like reading, writing, and math and help with homeschooling challenges like anxiety, autism and dyslexia.

More info. here.

The Courageous Homeschooling Handbooks

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