Marbled Paper Making For Homeschool Activities

by Stacey

How To Make Marbled Paper

homemade marbled paper

First Method

1. We filled a baking tray half full with water and then added a few drops of vinegar.

2. In some plastic throwaway cups we added a couple of drops of acrylic paint. We put in one color per cup and then mixed the paint with a few drops of methylated spirits.

3. We then added a few drops of the runny paint to the water/vinegar mixture.

4. Then we placed a sheet of white paper on top of the water, making sure all the paper was pushed onto the water. After a few seconds we pulled the paper off and then let it dry on some newspaper on the table.

marbled paper

Finished Marbled Paper - Method 1

Second Method For Making Homemade Paper

1. This time we half filled the baking tray with shaving cream and flattened the top. This makes it a really fun homeschool activity!

marbled paper with shaving cream

2. Then the boys dropped drops of food coloring onto the shaving cream.

3. Using a tooth pick, they swirled the food coloring through the shaving cream.

4. Finally, they placed a piece of paper on top of the shaving cream. After gently pushing the paper onto the shaving cream, they slowly pulled it off.

5. They scraped the excess shaving cream off with a spatula.

finished marbled paper

Finished Marbled Paper - Method Two

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Mar 11, 2015
by: Julian

I have seen this similar painting technique being used to paint several helmets and skirting of cars. But the quality of the paint and the medium that is used is bit different. Anyway, it is a good experimental thing that kids can try.

Feb 19, 2013
I love marbling!
by: Sonya

Stacey - this is such a good idea. We love marbling and have done it on paper too but only using marbling inks. Adding shaving foam is such a cool idea! I bet your boys enjoyed that.
One problem we found was that sometimes the paper was a little thin and went soggy - so we used slightly thicker paper than normal. But the patterns were beautiful and somehow the random nature of marbling just adds to it's charm.
Thank you so much for sharing and your website is great!
Best wishes

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