Free Online Math Activities
Games And Websites For Kids

Here are the best online math activities for teaching your child recommended by 2,000 homeschooling families.

Searching online for free math activities is a top level time waster.

Some of the online math games are fun but there isn't much that you could say was 'educational', other websites are boring and full of adverts.

Google isn't much help; the high ranking math websites for kids aren't necessarily the ones your child will like - or, if they do, you might not!

Free math games and activities for kids

This is my homeschool daughter Catherine pretending she really does enjoy math - especially when Mom has got the camera!

The best way to start is by looking at these free online home school resources which have been specially selected by homeschoolers as the top educational websites around.

Online homeschooling with the best free educational websites

Many of these have Math activities and games.

Below we will drill down into some of these sites and add a few more which are math specific.

Math Websites For Kids

My children William and Catherine have been using different online math games for kids ever since we started homeschool.

Children have different tastes in maths sites and what one loves, another hates.

So don't be put off; try out these sites and pick out the ones your child likes best.

prodigy math

"Try Prodigy Math. It's free, it's fun and you as the teacher have control over what lessons they learn as well as access to reports on their progress.  It truly looks and feels like playing a video game."

~ Angie, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

Prodigy math free account

You can use the free version - you don't need to pay. 

One member of my Courageous Homeschooling group who bought membership said you don't get any additional features in terms of the educational side; you are just given extra powers. 

In fact she says the only good thing is you stop getting bugged about buying membership all the time (!)....But you don't need membership as such.

"Prodigy is great!" ~ Maria, Courageous Homeschooling support group

cool math games

" My son age 6 likes this." ~ Mandy

"I second cool math games." ~ Diana

hit the button
  • Hit the Button is recommended by Sheila for 6-11 year-olds and is great for online math activities if your child loves quick fire math games.

You can find more help on learning your times tables, including teaching tips and a free e-book of activities and ideas, here.

Khan Academt

"My daughter loves Math on Khan Academy," ~ Diana

"My kids especially like Khan Academy." ~ Maria

"We used Khan Academy - it had you do 5 problems in a row - if you got 5 right you moved on - if not it sent you back to practice. BUT it also had each problem solo on a page (the screen) - and honestly worksheets don't work for me or the kids." ~ Allie

  • Anyone who knows anything about us knows we love the free Khan Academy.  It has tons of free math resources and is an inspirational free resource for online homeschool learning in all subjects.
free math games website
  • Free math games is a website set up by my homeschool friend Diana with her husband and daughter. It's a free website for learning and practicing math for children. It has a complete set of free lessons, games and quick tests to use with over 1,800 topics at two different levels.
  • It has two sites, one for the US and one for the UK:

Click for the US version of Free Math Games

Click for the UK version of Free Maths Games

  • For little ones, PBS Math has lots of online games for young children covering shape, space, number and counting.
johnie's math pages
  • You'll see from our Geometry activities that we found some good free maths games for kids on Johnnie's Math Pages.  Johnnie is a mentor teacher in elementary maths and his site has lots of maths activities which combine free maths games with learning. Highly recommended.
  • Numbers are international!  The BBC has got lots of very good resources for ages 4-11 covering numbers, time, times tables, space and shape.
  • Cool Maths For Kids. William and Catherine like this site; I don't think you learn much homeschool maths!

Online Math Activities (UK)

These are the best free online math activities sites recommended by home educators:

Corbett Maths

Corbett Maths is highly recommended. The Corbettmaths YouTube channel has over 800 mathematical videos on a wide range of topics, for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-Level.

It also has practice papers, worksheets and revision cards.

manga high math site
  • Manga High You need to register the name of your school (Homeschool Academy is a good name for your school!) to take advantage of this free site.  The great thing about this site is that wherever you live you can type in the level and grade of activities you want. Good for kids who like blasting numbers and time trials.
  • E-Maths is an online interactive UK math site with lots of free interactive resources for both students and teachers.  You click on the years to get the list of freebies and it covers right from elementary up through high school.
  • Exam Solutions

Free Math Games For Kids

There's no doubt that teaching maths can be challenging. 

One of the best ways is to play board and card games which do all the hard work for you!

Board and card games for teaching math

These kids board and card games have been recommended by 2,000 homeschoolers as the ones they find most useful (and enjoyable!) for teaching math.

And you can also add in making your own free board games too!

Make a kids board game for free

And if you're struggling with fractions you'll find online math activities, games and websites to help.

I have no doubt that the secret of success is to take maths out of the classroom and show your children how numbers work in real life.

An essential part of developing maths skills is building self-confidence. Online math activities and games sites can definitely help with that.

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"Just had a look through your monthly newsletter focusing on math. Thanks so much for all the links and ideas. It's brilliant!" ~ Diana      

"Hi....I totally love all your posts and enjoy reading them....the kids love the activities and enjoy them through and through." ~ Bianka

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