Paper Mache Recipe Instructions
How To Make An Animal Mask

Our simple homeschool paper mache recipe works fabulously for all sorts of kids craft projects.

You'll find:

  • Simple instructions for how to make our paste.  It's eco-friendly and almost free!
  • How to make an animal mask
  • Lots of ideas for fun paper mache projects to try

Once you know the recipe instructions for how to make paper mache paste, you can use it for all sorts of kids crafts.

paper mache recipe lion mask

Mustafa lion animal mask was a great hit with my children William and Catherine.  Here they are painting him in our homeschool.

How To Make Paper Mache Instructions

Come and see how to make our easy homeschool paper mache recipe.

You'll find the instructions simple to follow and you'll make your kids crafts almost free and definitely fun.


The instructions for this homeschool paste paper mache recipe are exactly the same as when you learn how to make a white sauce.

Just use water instead of milk!

Paste Ingredients

How's this for easy crafts?


water glass
  1. Measure out a mug of flour and 3 mugs of water.
  2. In a saucepan, mix a small amount of the water with the flour and stir to make a smooth paste.
  3. Stir over a low heat.
  4. Add the rest of the water to the recipe slowly, adding small amounts at a time, heating and stirring to make the paste come smooth. 


  • When the paste comes to the boil, turn the heat down and let the paper mache recipe simmer until the paste thickens.
  • Your homeschooling paper mache recipe is ready when the paste is smooth and the same consistency as you would pour over your vegetables.
  • Done!

The ideal paste recipe instructions to use with lots of homeschool easy kids crafts.

More Recipe Instructions for Paper Mache Paste

Here are some more recipes to make paper mache paste.

There are the two main suggestions:

  • Wallpaper paste without fungicide.
  • Watered down PVA glue. 

Go and have a look at our paper mache clay recipe.  It's ideal if you want something like modeling clay for a more advanced project.  We used it to make a dinosaur!

  • There is an alternative paste recipe on Jonni's site which may be useful for older kids.  You'll also find Jonni has lots of ideas for fun projects to make.

Personally, I like the eco-friendly homeschooling instructions showing you how to make paper mache paste for all sorts of easy kids paper mache projects.

lion mask

Paper Mache Tips

Paper mache tip

Instructions For How To Make A Paper Mache Mask

make a paper mache animal mask

To make the homeschool lion animal mask you need to make a cardboard frame.

  • Make a hoop out of a strip of cardboard stuck together that fits round the circumference of your child's head.
  • Secure with sticky tape.
  • Add strips of cardboard to go over the top of your child's head. They are the 'ribs' and you'll cover the gaps with paper mache newspaper. Attach to the base circle.
  • An easy way to make ears is to use two egg box compartments and stick them on your cardboard frame. Or you can get your kids to learn how to make two semi-circles from card and stick them down.
  • The nose for the animal mask comes from a bent piece of flat cardboard.

Paper Mache Instructions For Your Animal Mask

Now's your chance for the kids to get stuck in.

You'll have a very basic frame to cover with paper mache.

Don't worry how simple your paper mache frame is.

So long as your animal mask has ears and a nose you can't go too far wrong.

  • Tear up strips of newspaper and cover them in a layer of the paper mache paste made from following our homeschool recipe instructions.
  • Add two layers of paper mache over the whole cardboard frame, covering the gaps and all the cardboard.
  • Leave to dry.
  • Keep adding layers, varying the thickness according to the look of your animal mask. 


You can add black homeschool whiskers from chenille stems (pipe cleaners) stuck through the paper mache animal mask.

Strips of gold card make great homeschool manes. If you want to know how to make them curl, roll the card round a pencil.


Cut out eyeholes to fit with your child's head.

To make the eyes look lion-like, use gold glitter paint.

The pupils are holes in the animal mask or, from time to time, the whites of Catherine's eyes peeping through!


Paper mache projects are perfect for kids because you don't have to be a careful painter to create a great effect.

So long as your kids can splatter paint in the general direction of the animal mask you'll get a good background color for your art activities.  

A paper mache lion mask is just one idea.

You could make a cardboard frame for your child's favorite animal - a shark or a cat - and add a homeschool costume to go with it.

Make A Homeschool Bird Animal Mask

Learning how to make a homeschooling animal mask is easy.

You can follow our instructions for how to make masks using paper plates to create a fantastic bird.

All the instructions for how to make them are in our homeschooling easy crafts for kids.

Homeschooling Paper Mache Projects

paper mache projects for kids

Our homeschool paper mache recipe instructions are ideal to use for all sorts of projects.

  • See how to make a paper mache dragon model and everything from fall apples to paper mache bowls in our page on kids projects
fish ornaments made from paper mache
  • Crocodiles are simple to make from paper mache.

If you want to know the instructions for how to make Timmy our homeschool crocodile, you'll be pleased to know they couldn't be simpler.

Take a long thin cardboard box, use our paper mache recipe to cover it and finish off with green paint!

William and Catherine took him down to feed him breakfast at the table every morning!

  • Our homeschooling salt dough recipe is also great for easy kids crafts. Come and see how to make play fruit, key rings and fridge magnets.

Paper mache projects open up all sorts of opportunities for easy crafts for kids.

There's something even better about painting in three dimensions and our paste recipe is so good you can nearly eat it!

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