Reasons Why Homeschooling is Bad

There are reasons why homeschooling is bad that might make you decide against choosing a path which brings immense freedom for both you and your child.

As a second generation homeschooling family, I have been taught at home myself and teach my own children, so I can help you weigh up what you need to think about.

the average 4 year-old asks 437 questions a day

Arguments Against Homeschool

One of the big reasons to decide against is PATIENCE.

If parenthood is a marathon, homeschool is off the scale.

You've just spent a happy morning learning how to make a volcano; now they're quarrelling over which egg to have for lunch.

It's a long day.

More reasons NOT to homeschool include if you are determined to teach your children in exactly the same way you think a teacher would have taught in school.

Homeschooling brings with it enormous benefits, but to get the true advantages you have to trust your children to learn in their own way.

In school, there's no choice. They have to do what the teacher says.

Homeschooling methods

If you're the sort of person who expects homeschool to run like clockwork you could be in for a shock.

If you're expecting your children to sit there quietly hour after hour with a nice neat workbook in front of them – think again!

Have a look at our homeschool daily schedule if you want to be a fly on the wall in our house.

And that's actually the exciting part.

The great thing about homeschool is that it's not like school – it's infinitely better!

The biggest reasons why homeschooling is bad is when it becomes a battleground between the teacher/parent against their pupil/child.

great homeschool families have messy houses

Linked to that is one of the biggest reasons to decide against homeschooling.

It's the price YOU pay.

If you're out at work you get a break from the children, adult colleagues, and you use your skills on adult challenges. If you're lucky, you get recognition too.

It's all very different when you're at home with the children.

Reasons Not To Homeschool

I do think there are real reasons against homeschooling.

I can quite happily hold up my hand and say homeschool is great for the children. It's the adult who gets it tough.

There are the usual reasons why any Mom or stay-at-home Dad struggles sometimes. No one tells you what a great job you're doing. You're more cut off from the world.

You can use some of your skills with the children.

But as you help read C. A. T. or build a model castle as you have fun with our toddlers activities, part of your mind (sometimes a very large part) is left dis-engaged and, quite frankly, bored.

Wandering minds go places you'd rather not.

My confidence has gone down and I think that's fairly common.

It helps enormously if you can find something for YOU to do away from the children which brings you fulfilment.

So there are reasons why homeschooling is bad and why you might decide against homeschool.

But if you are willing to deal with those, the benefits will make this a really special time for both you and your children.

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Homeschooling Pros And Cons › Reasons Against

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