Rejuvenate Your Homeschool

Are you stuck in a rut? Feeling that things just aren't working?  Follow my top tips to rejuvenate your homeschool.

top tips to rejuvenate your homeschool

Tips To Success


Remember you are not alone!  Lots of us struggle at times..but you'll get through it I promise. 

The first thing to do is to look back

Make a list of things that need to be changed and things that are working well.

Just by writing things down you will be taking action to make things better!



Ask yourself (and your partner!) what is most important.

You may decide you must do math, writing or science for a certain amount of time each week.

My bet is that this is where the battles with the kids are coming from!

what to do when your kids won't do any school work

You'll see lots of suggestions from fellow homeschoolers about what to do when the kids won't do any school work.

You have to decide if there are certain red lines that you are not prepared to cross.

Because if you aren't happy with the way things are going your homeschool will not be a great place to spend time in!

So long as you hold in your mind that your main purpose is to help your children become happy, fulfilled and creative individuals you can't go too far wrong!


Talk to the kids. Ask them what they like most and what they would like to do more of.

If you can get everyone involved in the process you'll find you'll begin to rejuvenate your homeschool a whole lot quicker!


Re-jig your schedule - whether you have one or not!

Some of us unschoolers tend to go with the flow following our kids interests but if you're reading this something needs a gentle nudge!

Many of us find that we are constantly have to re-think how to spend our days and weeks.

Sadly, just as soon as you think you've got it all sorted your kids grow up / lose interest / move one / find something spring cleaning your homeschool is definitely an annual event!


Agree some new things you can do which you all enjoy as a family.

Bring back the fun and laughter!

However much 'work' you think you need to cover there is always time to be together.

Some ideas:


Confucius quote

Remember to GO SLOW.

You don't have to try and keep up with everything they teach at public school - or, knowing you, try to get ahead (we all like to boast a little!).

Be kind to yourself and your child.  There is plenty of time.


 Believe in yourself...which is harder said than done.

Being in the right mood makes all the difference to whether you see problems as overwhelming or something to learn from.

A good way to rejuvenate your homeschool is to have a look at some inspirational quotes to remind yourself why you started in the first place.

I also have a free list of printable affirmations to help.

Home school affirmations.

My final words on how to rejuvenate your homeschool:


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