Summer Crafts For Kids:
Easy Ideas For Fun Activities With Wind Streamers

When it comes to summer crafts for kids, our colorful crepe wind streamers are the hottest thing around!

They're really easy to make, cheap, fun and great to play outdoors.

You can also turn them into butterfly streamers which makes them even more fun.

wind streamers

As you can see from this photo of my children, crafts for kids are exciting when you can run along with a colorful streamer flying out behind!

They're perfect for group activities and summer festivals.

Easy Crafts For Kids

It is often true that easy kids crafts and homeschooling activities are the most fun!

Certainly the basics of our homeschool wind streamer couldn't be simpler but the pleasure children get from them is immense.

There's something magical about running around with colorful tails spreading out behind you as the summer wind blows.

These wind streamers are simple to make and great fun.


1.  Make a hoop.

2.  Stick on crepe paper tails.

As for age, I've found wind streamers are great for homeschooling summer crafts for kids right the way from toddler up to about High School age.

I'll also show you how to add homeschool butterflies to your streamer crafts activities so they can fly alongside!


Summer Activities For Kids

The best thing about summer is being able to get outside and run around.

Homeschooling activities and crafts which encourage your kids to do just that are pretty much bound to be fun!

There are lots more ideas for fun summer crafts for kids in our homeschooling page on Easy Kids Crafts.

You'll find if you're doing these streamers with little children or if you're planning on a summer festival, it's much the best to do some homeschool preparation beforehand.


  • Basket cane and silver wire (I'm sure there are other ideas you can think of to make an easy hoop if this sounds too much work!)
  • Crepe paper
  • Scotch Tape
  • Tissue paper and pipe cleaners for homeschool butterflies (optional)

Fun Crafts For Kids

The first thing you need to do is make the homeschool hoops the kids will hold as they run around.

You can use your imagination on this - you want something that's easy to hold and you can stick crepe paper streamers to.

I confess that I've always loved baskets so my homeschooling ideas are probably more complicated than you need.

But I think it's worth it; using cane gives a really nice feel and looks great. It's easy to get from basket cane suppliers via the internet and doesn't cost much.

cane hoops for streamers

You're looking for thin cane so it will be easy to bend into a circle, so about 2.5mm width is perfect.

The amount you buy will depend on how many children you're running summer crafts activities for.

I buy about 2 rolls when I'm running homeschooling activities.

Take a length about 7½ foot long (225 cm) and form it into a hoop about 8½" in diameter (21.5cm).

Weave the two ends round the circle of the hoop and fasten with silver wire or equivalent.

Summer Crafts For Kids

Crepe paper is more associated with winter festivals but I can assure you it's great fun for homeschool in summer too!

You'll need to get as many packs as you think you'll need.

I've found this so successful for homeschooling easy kids crafts activities I've used up whatever amount I've bought!

crepe paper

Cutting crepe paper into lengths to make homeschool streamers isn't easy for children; the crepe paper rolls are quite thick.

So I do this myself and cut each color up into 2 inch widths (4cm) and then put them out ready.

It makes homeschooling summer crafts look really inviting for kids with all the bright colors to choose from.

Butterfly Streamers

You can add extra fun to this project by adding butterflies to the hoops.

crepe paper butterflies

For butterflies, you need to cut butterfly shapes from tissue paper.


Two colors are a good idea for each butterfly.

You can then use pipe cleaners to make the body and attach the butterfly to the hoop.

A finishing homeschooling touch is a couple of antennae out of another pipe cleaner bent in half.

You'll find all sorts of kids butterfly activities on this page:

Butterfly Unit Study

Crafts Easy For Kids

play dough cat

Homeschool Play Dough Recipe

The next step in making summer crafts for kids fun is to start adding a homeschool wind streamer.

All your kids have to do is take a hoop and stick on whichever color crepe paper streamer they want - you can't get many summer crafts for kids as easy as that!

The lovely thing is once the streamer is attached something magical happens if you hold the hoop and start running with the tails streaming out behind you.

Summer Activities For Kids Ideas


If getting wet and finding out about Sea Creatures sounds fun, you could join us in some homeschool activities as part of our Ocean Creatures project.

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Homemade paper for fall crafts

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Nature photography tips for kids

Homeschool wind streamers are perfect for easy summer crafts for kids and a lovely way to fill a happy summer afternoon.

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